Mental health
alcohol, Treatment of epilepsy

Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy

This disease is a form of epileptic psychosis that occurs against the background of excessive drinking. Alcoholic epilepsy brings a lot of problems to the patient, although the first step towards the disease is undoubtedly alcohol abuse. In this case, much depends on the clinical picture, and the occurrence of epileptic signs, which manifest themselves in the form of seizures, is often observed. Initially, seizures begin only with the influence of alcohol, but it has been established that in the future seizures can occur even if the person has not consumed large amounts of alcohol.

Alcoholic epilepsy is explained by the emergence of new pathological processes in the patient’s brain, the cause of which is alcohol. It is important that their aggravation easily occurs even when alcohol intoxication is absent. It should be borne in mind that in any case, the use of large doses of alcohol entails a significant number of negative consequences. Basically, the situation ends with the fact that, due to alcohol abuse, organs that are considered vital are denied in a person. In this case, various mental disorders occur. Experts believe that the treatment of alcoholic epilepsy is associated with a disease of the nervous system that causes the patient to have periodic seizures.

Symptoms and causes of alcoholic epilepsy

If a patient suffers from epilepsy, certain symptoms are observed that are confirmation of the disease:

  • Alcoholic degradation of personality
  • Spite
  • Reduced attention
  • Picky attitude towards others
  • Resentment
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Strange, unpredictable behavior
  • Impaired speech

There are no epileptic signs on the EEG. Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy is not only about the use of anticonvulsant drugs. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used, vitamin complexes are prescribed. The disease requires immediate treatment, which should be carried out directly in the hospital.

In this case, the number one reason for such a pathology is the presence of long-term alcohol poisoning in the patient. Often a provoking factor is a skull injury, some infectious diseases, and atherosclerosis is also a risk factor. It is important to know that if a person with alcohol dependence once underwent an epileptic seizure, this condition will recur in the future, moreover, over time it will be observed more often. As a result, the disease becomes chronic, and seizures occur even if the person has given up alcohol.

Features of alcoholic epileptic seizure

An epileptic seizure in a patient is not difficult to notice, and this condition is always noticeable to others. A person has muscle cramps, breathing becomes hoarse, while the skin turns pale. The lips become bluish and the patient makes characteristic screams. When a seizure occurs in a patient, the head often leans back, and this condition can cause the tongue to roll back and stop breathing. The danger of such a situation should not be underestimated, as it can lead to death. Specialists attach great importance to the treatment of alcoholic epilepsy, and in no case should one expect that the seizures will stop without medical assistance.

When the attack stops, the patient begins to develop signs of alcoholic insomnia. In this case, very realistic hallucinations and dreams arise, which carry a huge emotional load. In addition, early awakening almost always occurs. It is important that the signs of a serious seizure are felt even after a few days. In particular, this is excessive irritability for any reason, impaired appetite, a general deterioration in well-being. When the seizure ends, the patient feels only weakness, drowsiness, and he cannot remember the details of the seizure. Such attacks are controlled by medications, and doctors also recommend a specially formulated diet. The main goal is to eliminate or reduce seizures.

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